The groundbreaking Mosie Baby Kit for at-home insemination is the first intravaginal insemination kit cleared for over the counter use by the FDA. Mosie is a prescription free device for use with fresh or donor sperm when trying to conceive.
The groundbreaking Mosie Baby Kit for at-home insemination is the first intravaginal insemination kit cleared for over-the-counter use by the FDA. Mosie is a prescription-free device for use with fresh or donor sperm when trying to conceive.
FDA Clearance provides you with additional confidence when using the Mosie Baby Kit.
Created by a couple who needed an alternative to intercourse, Mosie is the first FDA reviewed home intravaginal insemination kit!
Mosie was designed for both comfort and ease of use, all from the comfort of your own home.
Our expert recommended, patented syringe was designed specifically for insemination with a nub tip and unique slit opening that provides a deeper, wider spray.
Join over 100,000 families who have trusted Mosie on their path to parenthood by shopping in stores and online
The FDA’s 510(k) clearance process involves a comprehensive review of safety and performance data for the device, which may include scientific, non-clinical, and clinical data, as appropriate, to determine if a new device is substantially equivalent to a device that is already on the market.
To receive FDA Clearance a device must go through the FDA’s 510(k) process where a 510(k) submission is made to the FDA to “demonstrate that the device to be marketed is as safe and effective, that is, substantially equivalent, to a legally marketed device (section 513(i)(1)(A) FD&C Act)."
The Mosie Baby Kit is indicated for over-the-counter home use, by individuals who have been unable to conceive through intercourse or choose not to conceive through intercourse, for semen collection and the delivery of semen or donor sperm to the vaginal canal. The Mosie Baby Kit should be used during the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle.
The term FDA Approved is used for prescription medicines and devices that are Class III, which are typically devices that are implanted or life-sustaining. Class III devices and prescription medicines require “FDA Approval” to be on the market. Home Insemination devices are Class II, and Class II devices require “FDA Clearance” to be on the market.
The Mosie Baby Kit has been through a number of safety, usability, and performance tests. These tests include rigorous clinical and technical testing which showed Mosie to be non-cytotoxic, vaginally non-irritating, non-sensitizing, not sperm-toxic (HSSA ≥ 80% of control motility after 24 hours), clean and free from microbial contamination, and that our instructions and labeling are accessible and easily understood.
Home insemination devices are not required by the FDA to be sterile. As part of our clearance process we were able to demonstrate the Mosie Baby Kit is free from harmful microbial contaminants and pathogens. The Mosie Baby Kit is also clean room assembled with multiple checks prior to being released into inventory.
Many common over-the-counter devices sold for use in the vagina are non-sterile, including tampons, condoms, and menstrual cups.
Sterilization is a process of removing microbial contaminants from a device via chemical sterilization (ethylene oxide or chlorine dioxide) or radiation sterilization. Mosie Baby avoids the need to sterilize by ensuring its devices are built clean and ready to use right out of the box.
All home insemination devices (including intravaginal syringes, cervical caps, or other devices that interact with semen and vaginal tissue) sold in the USA need to be FDA cleared through the 510(k) process in order to follow FDA regulations. The Mosie Baby Kit for at-home insemination is currently the only available intravaginal insemination kit with a slit opening on the market in the USA that is FDA Cleared.
The Mosie Baby Kit is not currently covered by any health insurance plans.
However, the Mosie Baby Kit is available for purchase with an FSA/HSA card on, at, or reimbursable via your FSA/HSA administrator!
Mosie Baby does partner with care organizations, benefits providers, and employers to make the Mosie Baby Kit available. If you or your employer are interested in learning more, contact us at
Many families use medicated cycles to conceive with timed intercourse. If you are using ovulation induction medications we recommend talking with your healthcare provider to see if the Mosie Baby Kit is right for you. If you would like to share more info with your doctor or if you are a medical provider, please email for more information.